Each product in the collection has a number: Vitality Shampoo 39, Subtle Conditioner 15, Styling Moisturiser 7, Mask 52... This number symbolises the creative process at CLABAUX HAIR.   


Every day and in every meeting, Mathieu Clabaux is inspired by his clients' hair and their daily hair habits, whether at home, in the gym or travelling... "I style hair 7 days a week and never get tired of listening, observing and studying hair texture”. His obsession: beautiful, free and healthy hair. His convictions for achieving beautiful hair: hair must be liberated, its natural texture restored, allowed to express and reveal itself without being weighed down or controlled by suffocating formulas that alter its appearance and quality, and offered routines that can be easily integrated into modern lifestyles. "I am determined to improve what already exists.”  


Each product is the result of a creative journey between a Hairdresser and Science: Mathieu and his Master Haircare Formulator.   


The first step is to set out his vision - a pictorial description of the mission, the technical aspects, the application and the ideal result of the product he imagines... and which has yet to be invented.  The Master Formulator is then given carte blanche to choose, source and assemble the ingredients. "CLABAUX HAIR formulas are made in France, using ingredients of natural origin, they are vegan and contain no silicones or sulphates... I do not impose restrictions on ingredients: innovation requires freedom". 


Mathieu works blind during development, only discovering the composition of the formula at the end.  "Blind testing allows me to focus on the result without being influenced by the ingredients. In this way, the ingredients are selected and adjusted solely on the basis of their efficacy.  I know we have reached the right formula when the hair is beautiful, full of vitality, shine, natural volume and suppleness.” 


To guide the development of the formula, Mathieu focuses on 3 fundamentals: sensoriality, ease of application and hair response. He relies entirely on his innate ability to feel, understand and beautify hair. The formula is meticulously refined during testing. With finesse, patience and rigour, each component is adjusted one by one... without upsetting the balance of the recipe. "Our experience is complementary. Together we have created a language that allows us to understand each other and to innovate. We fine-tune every detail until we are completely satisfied. The Mask 52 took 4 years to develop.” 


Each version of the formula is identified by a number. Vitality Shampoo 39, for example, means that the formula has been tested and reworked 38 times to meet Mathieu's vision.   


"I am passionate about this dynamic of evolving creation: I want to create the Grand Cru of hair. The constant drive to improve and innovate every day is deeply rooted in me. The CLABAUX HAIR formulas and their number will never stop evolving".

Mathieu Clabaux